Online Subscriber Agreement

Online Subscriber Agreement

Privacy, Data Protection and Confidentiality

The following provisions must be read and construed in conjunction with the Terms of our contract with you.

In the provision of Services to you, the following provisions govern our respective rights duties and liabilities in respect of privacy, data protection and confidentiality.

Key definitions we use below

Key definitions we use below

Account Information

The databases, logs and other collections of personal data about you and your users that is provided to us by you, or that we obtain in connection with:

  1. the creation and administration of your and their account(s);
  2. use of our website and the Service;
  3. any permissions, consents or preferences given to us; and
  4. our relationship with you and your users, and information that we obtain from third parties that may be linked to you or them, and relevant employers or other organisations.


The files, data, text, audio, video and images that are transferred, stored, shared or hosted by Us in the provision of Services to you. It does not include Account Information or System Data.

System Data

  1. usage statistics, system logs, performance and security data, records of support requests, and aggregated data about how our sites, platform, services and apps are used (e.g. performance counters, access logs, metrics and associated metadata, unique identifiers for devices, technical information about the devices used, the network, operating system and browsers;
  2. data identified as malicious (e.g. malware infections, cyber attacks, unsuccessful security incidents, or other threats). This may contain limited Account Information where it appears in log records.

Confidential Information

Account Information, Content and System Data and all other data described below under the heading Confidential Information.


Our privacy policy provides that we will not divulge or disclose the content of any data, personal data, and Confidential Information to any third party whatsoever unless:

  1. You instruct us to
  2. We are obliged to by law
  3. Such matters are or were in the public domain otherwise than as a result of our breach of our privacy policy


Commercial & residential

  • leases
  • licences
  • catalogues/brochures
  • reports
  • valuations

Building & surveying

  • condition reports
  • Scott schedules
  • dilapidations
  • party wall awards
  • feasibility studies


Trust companies

  • deeds
  • agreements
  • letters of wishes
  • licences

Anti-money laundering investigators

  • interviews
  • reports




Verbatim General
Court hearings correspondence
witness statements reports
dealing rooms attendance notes
video conferencing manuals
podcasts, etc. minutes, etc.

All work is proofread against the original recording or document and (if necessary) amended, before being returned to the author.

It is essential for all parties that returned work is accurate, unbiased and reliable. It can make the difference between acquittal or a 10 stretch; grounds for an appeal or not.

We also copy type non-digital documents.


We’ve trained everyone from CEOs and Managing Partners to PAs and trainees.

Our courses are tailored to our clients’ needs and their specialty.

Each course is customised for the client once we have established their requirements.

This can include:

  • A basic overview of the mechanics of Word
  • How those mechanics drive document creation
  • Why things go awry and how to fix them, using your documents as examples
  • Tricks and tips
  • Shortcut keys
  • Q&A session

We conduct virtual, hands-on, one to one sessions as well as onsite classroom training (Covid-19 permitting).


We can correct “mangled” documents, including widely available third party precedents, to include:

  • Multi-level numbering
  • Cross-referencing
  • Tables of contents
  • Page and section breaks
  • Page and section numbering
  • Headers and footers
  • Inserting images within text

If anything goes haywire, we’re at the end of a telephone. See also Document Doctor.


We create templates, using your house style if you have one, which match your layouts, including letterheads, reports, forms, affidavits, discovery, verbatim transcripts, Opinions, etc.

Our templates include all of the elements described in Reformatting.

House styles

We can create a house style unique to your organisation to maintain your corporate image across all forms of documentation, including logos, layout and form.


We create precedents in your own House styles to complement your corporate image.

If third party precedents do not incorporate all the features that you require, we can use our Document Doctor service to reformat them.

Document Doctor

Will fix just about any problem you have with your document, except the correctness of its content. See also Reformatting.


How do you charge?

We apply an hourly rate but charge by the minute. We keep detailed timesheets and provide monthly analysis by user and department if required.

Are contract rates available?

Yes. Please ask for a quotation or a copy of our terms of business.

How secure will my document be?

We have multiple layers of security.

All our operators sign a confidentiality agreement with us.

For ultra secure work we use to send and/or receive work in encrypted form.

Please ask for a copy of our confidentiality agreement, which includes obligations of confidentiality equal to those of practising solicitors.

Contact us

We are happy to discuss your requirements over the telephone or you can email us.

Call us on +44 (0) 333-772-1881


Or complete and send the contact form below.

Hours of work

Our normal working hours are 9.00am to 5.30pm GMT, Monday to Friday (excluding UK public holidays).

Contract clients have access to out of hours working.

Contact form

    Confidentiality agreement

    Confidentiality agreement

    Lorem ipsum

    Nulla porttitor pretium sem ac accumsan. Sed condimentum ex ut ante mollis sodales. In auctor nibh lectus, eget commodo diam euismod quis. Sed non tempor turpis. In congue diam sed luctus tempus.

    Aliquam tempus orci arcu, vel consectetur lectus tempus vel. Donec non porttitor dui, at venenatis nisl. Vivamus fermentum neque vel auctor fringilla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

    Sed et justo iaculis, molestie dui ac, bibendum nisl.

    Maecenas felis ante

    Nunc luctus metus ut lacus volutpat venenatis. Nullam eu auctor quam. Vivamus eget ultrices mauris, sit amet sagittis metus.

    Morbi dignissim eros in felis tempor, vitae vestibulum metus mollis. Aenean libero est, pellentesque vitae porttitor eget, volutpat ullamcorper lacus. Nulla facilisis interdum nisl ac sollicitudin. Quisque turpis lectus, semper eget tristique in, porttitor vitae urna. Aenean convallis vulputate risus.

    Maecenas eget mauris varius, tristique sem vel, interdum diam. Proin lacus tortor, viverra eget quam ut, dapibus mattis libero. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

    Ut id efficitur orci

    Suspendisse venenatis diam eu libero condimentum, id volutpat ante mollis. Nulla ut eros aliquam, mattis nulla dapibus, dictum lectus.

    Praesent luctus pellentesque placerat. Aliquam eget tincidunt augue, et sollicitudin neque. Praesent at risus quis ligula auctor varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; vestibulum at lacus ipsum.

    Mauris pulvinar posuere ex semper mollis.

    Maecenas felis ante

    Nunc luctus metus ut lacus volutpat venenatis. Nullam eu auctor quam. Vivamus eget ultrices mauris, sit amet sagittis metus.

    Morbi dignissim eros in felis tempor, vitae vestibulum metus mollis. Aenean libero est, pellentesque vitae porttitor eget, volutpat ullamcorper lacus. Nulla facilisis interdum nisl ac sollicitudin. Quisque turpis lectus, semper eget tristique in, porttitor vitae urna. Aenean convallis vulputate risus.

    Maecenas eget mauris varius, tristique sem vel, interdum diam. Proin lacus tortor, viverra eget quam ut, dapibus mattis libero. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

    Ut id efficitur orci

    Suspendisse venenatis diam eu libero condimentum, id volutpat ante mollis. Nulla ut eros aliquam, mattis nulla dapibus, dictum lectus.

    Praesent luctus pellentesque placerat. Aliquam eget tincidunt augue, et sollicitudin neque. Praesent at risus quis ligula auctor varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; vestibulum at lacus ipsum.

    Mauris pulvinar posuere ex semper mollis.